Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

Google Helpouts, Ladang Uang Baru di Internet

First , set your goals . Make sure you have a clear purpose why choose to become a full time blogger . Not because the style show off , not because it can not stand the situation at your workplace , but because you really want to become a full-time pengobatan alternatif  blogger , and the way of life that you feel is right for you .
Yes , it could be possible situation in your workplace that is no longer conducive could be one trigger of why you intend to be a full-time blogger . But that is more due to emotional triggers should not be used as the basis for important decisions in your life . Keep thinking logically .A few days ago , Google launched a new service called Google helpouts . Services that this one is a marketplace -based how-to video . There is no corresponding provider who provides consulting expertise has. For those interested, be paid in accordance with rates set by the provider .
Variety consultation available range from music , computer , cooking , education , fashion and beauty , fitness , health , until about gardening . Until now no less than 1000 providers who already provide self- sell " expertise " .
Who are interested can sign up for an appointment or follow the schedule of the provider . You can use a web cam to ask the provider about things you want to ask . You can use your google plus to obat pembesar penis vimax login . To pay using google wallet , and use google hangouts for video interaction .
No provider is to bill based on minutes , some are based on per helpout . From these rates , I took a ration of 20% , while the rest belongs to the provider . Google also provides a money back guarantee for those who are not satisfied .
Unfortunately , the existing provider is still limited for the invited , and so far only from the United States , Britain , Canada , Ireland , New Zealand and Australia .
But at least, there are important things that we can note that the business information is endless . The provider that provides consulting services to its expertise . Potential that is trying to be bridged by Google helpouts . Hopefully, more people will be able to help each other pass on his skills or help answer the question that has been experienced by others. Although the problem may be deemed trivial , but in fact many other people in other parts of the world who struggle to overcome it .
Another important thing for the internet business like ours , from the category of services available , we can do niche research . Many niche that we can find and develop their own peluang usaha online  .
And that principle again , your skills can also be used as a money field . Even you can help people far away , even thousands of miles distance apart , you can be a consultant to help resolve the problems they face .

Second , understand the consequences . Being a full - time blogger with a very different working in the office that can definitely salaries so on so date . A blogger can not know how much income next month . Maybe 20 million , maybe 50 million , may be greater or smaller than the previous month's earnings . :) So , you must be prepared physically and mentally to face this situation full of uncertainty . Includes ready to be disciplined in managing your time .

Post by : Pulau pari dan Pulau Tidung

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