urah rain should not be less than 2,000 mm / year . Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Uang Asli Indonesia Plants require bright sun . Tea plants are not drought resistant .
Daily air temperature of the tea plant is 13-25 degrees C.
Humidity is less than 70 % .
2 . Media Plant
The type of soil is suitable for tea Andosol , Regosol and Latosol . But tea can also be cultivated in Podsolic soil ( Ultisol ) , Humic Gley , Litosol and Aluvia . Tea like soil with a thick top layer , crumb structure , argillaceous to dusty , crumbly .
Soil acidity ( pH ) ranged from 4.5 to 6.0 .
Based on altitude, tea gardens in Indonesia is divided into 2 daerh namely : ( 1 ) lowland : up to 800 m above sea level ; ( 2 ) middle latitudes : 800-1200 m above sea level ; and ( 3 ) plateau : more than 1,200 meters above sea level . Differences in altitude cause differences in growth and quality of the tea .
3 . AltitudeDepending on the clone , the tea can be grown in the lowlands at 100 m
above sea level up to at an altitude of over 1,000 m above sea level .
TECHNICAL GUIDELINES FOR RAISING1 . NurseriesPlants propagated by seed or leaf cuttings . In terms of production , the plant should be propagated by leaf cuttings .Requirements Seed / Seed Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercayaa. requirements seedTaken from garden seeds , a seed falls , not attacked by ladybugs and large seeds . Seeds stored in sealed cans with 35-38 % humidity and sown immediately after harvest.
Rabu, 28 Mei 2014
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